Monday, August 5, 2013

Awesome Monday!

Thank you for your support!!!

Today was fantastic. I took a risk and even though I was a little nervous, things worked out great!

See, I abandoned my comfortable menu and created a dinner special that was delicious, looked great and I would have been proud to serve to my grandparents.

I have owned the Diner for 7 years now. At first blush, 7 years doesn't seem like a long time. HOWEVER, 7 years in the restaurant world is like 20 years in real life. Almost like a Hollywood marriage... some of those relationships crash and burn in a year.

My point is, not a lot makes me nervous. I'm kind of a restaurant veteran at this point. But today made me both nervous and excited. And that, is a GOOD thing. I was creative, energized and thinking beyond the burger.

Now, don't fear, I'm NOT going to change the fundamental Diner. We will always be a neighbourhood burger and ice cream joint. But, once in a while, with your support I'm going to make something a little more special. I consider it a mom-style dinner. I will cook what I want, with local fresh ingredients, and you can either order it and enjoy it as served, or pass and pick a burger. The choice is yours.

Back to the ABCs of what happened. Today was Day 1 of the Diner Dinner Project.

I took fresh green beans from the Farmer's Market and built a home-style or mom-style meal around them. I used lean, local bison meat and topped it with sauteed mushrooms, onions and red peppers in a peppercorn gravy. I served with home cut fries and a whole wheat dinner roll.  The cost was $10 and it filled a dinner plate.

Everyone who ordered it and replied gave very positive feedback. More than that, the folks I chatted with loved the concept of an off the menu special.

Tuesday will be old style taco night. I'm going to make my own pico de gallo and guacamole and serve it with corn shell and ground beef tacos. 3 to a plate.

Wednesday will be BBQ pulled pork on a bun with coleslaw and fries.

The things that each of these specials will have in common:
1) Only available after 5pm  and while quantities last
2) $10 plus taxes
3) A healthful, colourful, full plate meal made with local, in-season products whenever possible
4) Not on our regular menu
5) Meals that I would be proud to serve my family and friends

And if this experiment does nothing else other than re-enerize me and indulge my creativity in the kitchen, it will be worth it. If I am excited to be at the Diner, our guests will see it and feel it too!

Day 1: Bison Salisbury Steak 

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