Thursday, January 3, 2013

Support for your staff (2)

Once your staff are part of the team, you can help them in other ways too.

For example, the girls that worked at the diner that did not have their high school diplomas felt like they still had something to prove. They wanted to shed the label of "drop-out". They knew they were smart and capable, and so did I. But they still wanted to prove it to their families, friends and relatives.

I helped them find an adult-education/off campus program that was available in our area. There was no cost or requirement to attend classes full time.  All it took then, was a little encouragement, a minor adjustment to their work hours and then they were well on their way to a diploma.

They were successful and encouraged others to do the same. We were all so very proud and happy for them. Each has gone on to additional education and have found new confidence in themselves. I'm just pleased we could offer them the support to take that first step.

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