Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Relax, it's only ice cream.

We are, ALL, only people.

We have ups and downs in our lives and each individual carries a difference set of stresses and life experiences. To look at a person, you don't know what's on their mind or the type of week they have had. All we really know,  from this side of the serving counter, is that they are hoping to purchase some ice cream.

And that is all we NEED to know. We aim to politely and efficiently provide the treat the customer wants. Whether the guest is celebrating a personal victory, using the treat as comfort, rewarding a child, or meeting an old friend over milkshakes it shouldn't matter the reason for ice cream, as long as you get what you want and have paid for. Right?

What guests have, in my opinion, is no right or reason to yell at a clerk. For the most part, the staff behind the counter at the ice cream store, or the donut shop are youth. They are learning and trying to become part of the workforce and make their way into a work world where everything is "instant" and everyone wants a "discount." It's a challenging, and fast paced environment  and they have been bounced off the couch, or out of the classroom  and right into the line of fire. These cashiers and clerks are just trying to learn the ropes of their first job.

They were not hired because they are doctors! They are not required to file your income tax returns or fix your Cadillac's transmission! They are here to politely serve ice cream and coffee, and process a transaction. They are also doing a job that nobody else wants!  It's the bottom of the heap, the McJob....the only thing a person can get without experience on a resume.  But they enjoy the job, because their employer treats them well, pays them a fair wage, and tells them they are valued. They need experience for their resume, and this job is great experience.

But again, I feel I must point out that we are ALL people and have life stresses we carry. Do you know that the cashier's grandmother is ill, and the doctors are testing for Cancer? Or do you know that her classmate recently died in a car crash? Do you know whether or not he is going to make the basketball team in his senior year? Do you know that if she doesn't come up with the rest of the money for the choir trip by the end of this month she can't go? Or do you realize that she has given up the last 5 consecutive Friday nights to work and is afraid of losing friends because she "works all the time?" Do you really know that stresses he/she is carrying and yet has the commitment and strength to come to work and put on a smile anyway?

My point is only this.... If she handed you a blueberry sundae and you'd asked for butterscotch... let her apologize and make the right one rather than raise your voice. Why would you make a scene? It's only ice cream! :)

Even as a mature adult who has seen much of the world, it still deflates my enthusiasm and affects my day when someone is rude or particularly condescending to me. Did you know that just the other day, a senior told me I was the devil because I asked for $3.95 in exchange for a medium hot fudge sundae? No, he wasn't joking. Not a crack of a smile or a wink.  He asked how I sleep at night robbing people blind and declared a second time that I absolutely must be the devil. His voice was raised for all to hear and was indignant. And still the transaction politely continued and he walked away with his sundae, yet I had to endure an earful. Sadly, several days later it still bothers me. (And over and over I justify in my head the cost of the sundae, cost of the staffing,  the building taxes and government taxes that all contribute to that price.)

Today, our debit machine was out of service. It is dead, dead, dead. A technical failure and will need to be replaced. A courier service is bringing a new one, at fair expense, the next business day. But, we were out of luck on the long weekend. (Yes, stress!) We posted 5 signs to this effect "cash only" with sincere apologies. Signs were on the entrance doors and service counters. We told each phone order upfront and apologized literally, 150 times today. That in itself was exhausting to do over and over. I still feel terrible for my cashiers who got the brunt of that. 98% of people were understanding and empathetic. A few walked out disappointed but only 1 person (and thank goodness only 1) yelled at the 16 year old clerk. "Well this is just ridiculous!" she exclaimed. "Oh just forget it!" And other words of exasperation I didn't clearly hear.

I felt terrible that this guest would walk out in a huff over $4.80. I understand that not everyone has a lot of cash on them but most could find $5 at the bottom of the purse or in the car. But even that, being denied a small cone and a can of coke is NOT life or death. It's only ice cream!  Truly... the lousy part of this situation is that seeing this episode unfold, I, as the manager was mere SECONDS away from telling the guest "don't worry about the $4.80 (take the ice cream) and just catch me next time you're in!"  It actually happens several times a year, for various reasons, and I always find people to be honest and grateful and I really don't mind one bit!  But yelling at a clerk who has no control over a situation and your ability to complete the transaction... I find that offensive. And it still bothers me hours later.

It's just ice cream!  Enjoy it! Share it with friends.... treat your grandchildren.... treat yourself! Use ice cream when you've had a bad day! Just please don't yell at my cashiers. They are good kids. They have hopes and dreams and work ethic. They take out the garbage, mop the floors and all the other glamourous tasks that come part and parcel with running a business. We need them. You need them, so they can make the banana splits next time your kids/grandkids hit a home run!

It's only ice cream! It should be fun on both sides of the counter!

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