Thursday, March 14, 2013

Get a real job

Restaurant life is a unique thing. You either get it, or you don't.

You can either hustle, multi-task and thrive, or you can stumble, be disorganized and fail. I live, and breath multi-tasking. I was pretty much born ready.

In my restaurant, as the owner and chef, I juggle customer orders, suppliers, sales people, staff, the phone and whatever else comes up. This is a daily juggle.  It's quite the balancing act at times. But I'm good at it.

This is not something my family, or some friends understand. Should I, even for a moment explain or share my strife, their answer instantly becomes "sell the place and get a real job."

Get a "real job?" What.... are you kidding? This IS a real job x5. I manage HR, Customer Service, the Kitchen, Marketing and so much more. I really don't think I could sit at a desk. I don't think I could possibly type all day, or fake work while spending hours on facebook. Isn't that what people do at their "real jobs?" No thanks.

I may leave the kitchen smelling like bacon, feeling greasy and tired. But I know, without a doubt, I fed and served hundreds of happy people. I contributed to their day. I also contributed to the 10 families whose loved ones I employ. I give them real pay cheques and offer real support.

I have a real job. And I love it.

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