Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just add bacon

We've been making a Canadian specialty... poutine, for a long time. Like, "forever." It's always been a best seller on the menu. It's definitely a staple at the burger joint.

What is it you ask? Well, there are 1000 different ways to make it. It's like chocolate chip cookies that way. Everyone seems to have their own recipe that they think is the very best thing going.

Our poutine is made with fresh cut, twice fried potatoes. A beef gravy and blend of cheeses. Some people add ketchup at the table, but most eat it exactly the way it is.

It is the perfect side to a mushroom burger or a salisbury steak and is great on it's own. Definitely a comfort food.

This summer, we decided to add bacon to it, as an alternative menu choice. So we took the same basic ingredients and added chopped and crisp fried bacon. We did the chopped bacon in butter and diced onions with steak spice and black pepper. And we switched out the blend of white cheeses, for a blend of cheddar cheeses. It was an instant hit. Like a huge hit. We were kicking ourselves for not trying it earlier. I mean it's logical isn't it.... all things are better with bacon!

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