Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why Teens are Important

There are several reason why I appreciate teens at the Diner. And when I hear adults speak ill of them, I'm pretty quick to respond with my cheerful and articulate defence of them.

First off, they make ambitious employees, especially when they have a personal goal they are saving for. When a 16 year old sets his or her sights on a car, they will work hard to earn the money for the wheels. Then, when they get the car, they generally are more readily available to work. A vehicle can also bring a new level of pride and responsibility to their lives.

Teens are also eager and willing to learn. They don't mind the entry level jobs and can multitask easily. Every job is a stepping stone to the next job.

Secondly, unlike most adults, they have disposable income which they can spend at their choosing. Without mortgage, hydro, phone bills and the like, there's more more money for eating out and entertainment.  I really appreciate it when they choose the Diner. We offer great burgers and shakes. Our portion sizes range from small to family size. Boxes of fries and double burgers are great value and will fill up even Linebacker appetites.

I have always found the teens from our area schools to be polite, respectful and able to pay for their meals. We welcome them and enjoy their repeat visits.

To make sure we earn their business, we strive to treat them with respect, quick service, quality food and a positive attitude. There have been numerous occasions where we have encountered students who needed a smile and a welcoming place to eat, and perhaps even an ear to listen, much more than they needed the burger.

The teens that have some through our doors in the last 7 years, have gone on to earn university degrees, jobs in public service, athletic scholarships and so much more. Some have become outstanding parents and others still come in to visit and enjoy their favourite treats. Teens with roots and connections in a City tend to stay and serve and be proud of their City.

Every child and every teen grows up to be "somebody."  And it is my experience and intention to treat people with kindness and respect, in hopes that they will continue that circle of kindness and respect with people in their lives.

In our support of youth and family, we support charitable events and teams that focus on youth in our community. Whether it is a Mother-Daughter golf tournament, a youth football team, or The United Way we know our contributions help support programs that support youth and families in our City.  This honours and fulfills some of our core values as a business. We aim to build and support community spirit wherever possible.

We are proud to contribute to school events and honoured to be included in their special events like graduation lunches.

Being a teen isn't easy. Being a teen in 2013 is even harder. In our own little way, we at the Diner aim to help make some fond memories and help people of all ages feel connected to their community.

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