Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's a team thing

You know how in baseball you have different players that specialize in different areas? Well, the Retro Diner is certainly no different!

I have a distinct preference as to who I want beside me (cooking) on a Friday at dinner and I know who I like to leisurely start Sunday mornings with.  It's like baseball, you're not going to ask your third baseman to pitch, and you're not going to get your left fielder to play first base.  Different people are better at different things. This is my mantra. I tell my kids this all the time. Each child (or person) has a gift, you just need to find it. And sometimes, those people need outside guidance to find their skills.

In my kitchen, I like a second baseman who can cover "first" if called upon.  I like a second baseman who is going to step up and make the play if I can't. And I like having someone at my side who will back me up if I should happen to drop the ball.

My assistant manager, Desiree used to say, "if you only show up with half a brain, and I do the same, we should be fine today." It makes me smile to think of that.  We coasted through many a Monday that way. I'd make the salad, and she'd do the entree. No chit chat, no discussion. She would go left, I'd go right. If I forgot to start the take-out order, she'd start the chit chat at the register. (Kill some time.) It worked soooo well!

It's a team thing!

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