Monday, March 25, 2013


I think Mondays are a fresh start. They are another chance to have a great week. Whatever happened yesterday is... yesterday. It's in the past. You can only move forward.

In the restaurant biz, Monday is typically a pretty slow, if not the slowest day of the week. I see it as a good chance to clean and re-set and whip the place back into shape. Sometimes weekends can be pretty rough on a restaurant. (Like my "yesterday" blog.)

One of the restaurants in town has a steak and lobster special every Monday night. They pack the joint most Mondays. It's the 4th day in their "weekend." I applaud them. I think that's great! Frankly... I'd like to have Monday nights off just so I could go eat at their place. It would be a nice change of pace from my own Retro Diner. But alas... not everyone sees Mondays like me.

Sometimes my staff need an extra day off or feel it's better to get sick on a Monday than a Friday. I see their point and I generally appreciate it. However, sometimes that leaves me holding the bag and trying to re-right the restaurant myself on a Monday... thus leaving me working "Friday hard", on a Monday.

I guess you might only get what I mean if you're in the restaurant biz. And if you are... God Bless you and give you slow Mondays!

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