Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's the right thing to do.

When you live in a community, you need to contribute to a community. That's simply the bottom line for me.

I'm no Bill Gates, no Oprah Winfrey and sorrily not Ellen DeGeneres either, but in my own small way I do my best to contribute. I can't help millions of people. I don't have millions of dollars. But what I know I CAN do to help, I will. And none of it, NONE OF IT, is done for a spotlight.

At the Diner we have a charitable mission to serve and assist families and youth first. To that end we have sponsored sports teams, family fun days, school and club events. We have also organized and executed fundraisers for specific families stricken by cancer.

Our organizational support focuses on the registered charities that are active and relevant in our community. Those being the Cancer Society, MS Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation and United Way.

As a staff, we are also animal lovers and find ways to personally support numerous animal charities including Funds for Furry Friends.

We are also asked several times a week to "kick in prizes" for socials, sports teams, and other activities. We are unable to meet all requests, for that we would need 5 times our current donation budget.

This year, with the assistance of our guests and events that are "donation in purchase" we will contribute more than $3000 to our community. $3000 sounds like a small number unless you are selling $2 ice cream cones.... then it's a huge number!

I'm not the best business person in the City. I pay less attention to what the accountant says and more to my heart and personal beliefs dictate. And luckily, as a sole proprietor who does NOT answer to a franchise.... I can do what I want. And what I WANT to do is to make our community the kind of place people are proud of and the kind of community that people want to live in.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post, and what you do for the community. No one can fill everyone's needs, but I'm sure glad there are people like you out there who follow their hearts and do what they can :)
