I was recently travelling through MSP (Minneapolis- Saint Paul Airport) and with a two hour wait between connections, I had the privilege of dining at Surdyk's.
Surdyk's is a boutique-diner with limited eat-in seating, but they do have airport lobby seating and a great selection of grab and go take-out items.
Their "thing" is great wine, paired with gourmet sandwiches and unique salads. The menu has a trendy feel. Their selection is completely out of the ordinary, especially considering its location.
I had a mixed plate of salami and cheese. It was served with a glass tumbler (think big water glass) of fresh crisp toasts, and breadsticks. It was served also with assorted nuts, dried fruit, olives, pickles and mustard. I took their suggested pairing of a full bodied red wine, and really enjoyed it.
My son, who was still feeling "dull" from a cold, chose a bowl of fresh fruit and chocolate milk.
I loved the ambience. We dined in the store. There were multiple screens featuring the Food Network, which was an obvious and perfect combination in this gourmet eatery setting.
Since you are already through security, you can pick up a bottle of wine (vast selection, and half size bottles too) to take on to your destination. I chose a California red to take with me.
What a great spot! With fantastic service to match. If you are passing through MSP, I would recommend you seek out Surdyk's. www.surdyks.com