Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Trip Food

Back a while ago, I suggested that January was a great time to travel and explore other restaurants. I considered this productive use of down time.

I visited Southern California and had a chance to dine at SHOR. It's in the Newport Beach area and recently opened in the renovated Hyatt Regency Newport Beach.

This was my favourite breakfast. (pictured) It was fresh lox and bagel. It was perfect. From the plating, to the service and the VERY fresh taste and flavours. I really enjoyed it.

We had a number of menu items from SHOR during our 3 meals there. The staff were very knowledgeable and willing to modify meals and accommodate special requests. The only request we made, was for a small dish of strawberries and ice cream for dessert. However, it was clear that tables around us had requests relating to their diets and allergies.

One lady was particularly loud and demanding with her lunch requests. The wait staff and manager took it all in stride and were ever so gracious in their service.

I was impressed and inspired by their food and their hospitality. I would definitely recommend SHOR and I would also, once again, recommend dining out during your slow season.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Plate presentation

So your food is divine? What will it look like on-line?

It's a fact of life now.... everyone has a camera phone in their hand. Are your patrons pausing for a photo before the dig in? Quite likely.  Whether they are foodies or not, on facebook or not, they are sharing their meals on-line. You're not feeding just one person. You might be feeding the eyes of thousands.

Makes you think twice about your presentation, or it should.