Sunday, December 30, 2012

Trend spotting

Restaurants must continually upgrade, refresh and even re-invent their menu in order to keep guests interested and coming back. Being on the leading edge of a trend gives you longer to ride the wave. (Capitalize on the buzz) Catching the wave the end makes you seem like you're jumping on the bandwagon too late.

How can you spot a trend? Travel. Travel and see new regions, experience new cuisines and talk to people. Talk to local chefs, talk to chefs on the internet. Engage and be a part of social media. Reading blogs is a start. It's not enough, but it's a start.

Last trip I took I saw many examples of "small plates" or "tapas". Even in the fast food joints they are serving "minis." I see these as an opportunity to sell more, not less. Rather than selling one plate of nachos to a table of four out for drinks, maybe you could sell them 2 or 3 small plates instead. Nachos $12 .... then a price point of 3 small plates for $16.  As in, one small plate for $7, 2 for $13 or 3 for $16.

It's the same as a jean store offering one pair at regular price but a second pair for half price. You can always use a second pair of jeans right? A slam dunk sale for a salesperson with a little experience and personality. The same goes for your wait staff.

The customer is drawn to the smaller menu item for several reasons... a perception of fewer calories, less money, less of a diet cheat, less of a risk of trying something new. However, they DO realize without discussion that it will not fill them up and they will need to add something else. A bowl of soup, perhaps another mini or two, a dessert etc.

So ultimately, serving smaller, may be an opportunity to sell more. I shall keep my eye on this trend. What do you think?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday Blunders

A huge mistake any restaurant can make at this time of the year is NOT having gift cards or gift certificates available.  They must be handy and front and centre for your staff to sell.

When the busy shopper comes in, you've got one shot... one moment to make the sale and close the deal. "Come back when my manager is here" is NOT an acceptable answer. When you look clueless or don't have a plan for gift certificates, you are losing money.

You lose double the money. You lost the gift card sale PLUS the sale of the recipient. The recipient typically will spend over and above the value of the gift card. They often splurge on a better wine, or a dessert. This is a time when they can afford the up sell.

Have special envelopes made for your gift cards, include a menu and/or offer an incentive.  For example, buy a gift card and receive a free dessert for yourself. Wouldn't that be a great and easy sell at the table for your waitstaff?  "I can offer you a free dessert of your choice if you buy a gift card tonight for future use or to give to a friend. I can just add it to your bill and take care of it for you in one easy step."

Done. Sold.

Gift cards are a huge bonus at this time of year. Make sure your restaurant is maximizing sales.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Your signature dish

Never under estimate the power of a good meal. Whether it is comfort food, appetizers among friends or a big plate of fries on a first date, food has the power to bring people together.

Think of your favourite holidays. Don't they include meals? Don't you look forward to certain dishes? If aunt Betty didn't bring her green bean casserole, would it be Christmas?

Are you famous for any recipes? Have you become synonymous with any dish in particular? When people think of me and potluck... they think of Jack Daniels pumpkin pie. I think it's famous. Or infamous! But I love it. I think it gets me invited to parties.

What will be your signature dish?